Could you be intolerant to wheat without having celiac ?

Question by lovinbloom: Could you be intolerant to wheat without having celiac ?
My daughter is 1 year now and ive been suspecting that wheat sometimes constipates her, and now lately that she gets a rash and just the other day she got tiny pink spots on her belly and back, im not sure the reason or if i should blame wheat or gluten, and also i think she hasnt been gaining much weight since 10 mos.
I really hope she doesnt have celiac, none of us her parents or ours have that, but please some advice !!! what should i do, thank you

Best answer:

Answer by K
…she’s sometimes constipated, occasionally rashy, and weight gain has slowed since she got more mobile. Okay, you have every formula-fed toddler on the planet.

Why would you think there’s a wheat issue here, given the total absence of symptoms of coeliac disease?

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