Food Allergy Linked to Autoimmune Disease

Did you know that a lot of people nowadays are suffering from this different food allergies associated with many kinds of diseases? Do you know what gluten intolerance is? Did you know that more that 140 autoimmune diseases including celiac disease, rhematiod arthritis and psoriasis is one of the leading most dreaded illnesses there is?

Well Dr. Osborne will talk about the important things you have to remember when facing or preventing this kind of diseases. In this video, different issues will be discussed and be given emphasis for proper educational sustenance that can help you in the future.

You will also understand why there are patient that experienced total relief because of stopping themselves from eating certain foods that they didn’t know were causing all the discomforts they used to have.

So enjoy and learn more all about food allergy linked to autoimmune disease.

Blended Bites - Gluten Free!