Herbal Medicines: Go Natural With Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is described to be an intolerance in a protein called gluten. This condition is oftentimes hereditary that can be troublesome in the early years of childhood. The term came from a Greek word “koiliakos” which literally means “suffering in the bowels”. It was just the prefect word for it. Medically, it is known to be the failure of the cells found in the lining of the upper portion of the small intestine to break down the protein gluten. Following that is the malfunctioning of the intestines to properly absorb nutrients brought to the body by the food stuff taken in.

As previously mentioned, this condition can already be present in small children. However, this can only be diagnosed through biopsy. Biopsy is a procedure wherein a tissue sample is taken from the colon and later on subjected to some form of analysis. Presently, tests using blood and urine are still on its ongoing development. Statistics also show that children who are used to breastfeeding and those who were not introduced early with food containing gluten are less likely to acquire Celiac Disease.

There is no single known cure for this condition. A condition wherein symptoms would include constipation, messed up bowel movements and lethargy. The sole treatment trusted by the experts is eliminating gluten from the diet, may that be for the mean time or for good. But what most people are unaware of is the fact that you can go the natural way in treating Celiac Disease but of course you have to consult first with an expert. A herbalist may prescribe you with marshmallow, papain, chamomile and slippery elm. Research supports that papain which is an extract from papaya may be able to break down gluten therefore causing no harm to the body.

Several conditions consider the fact that reestablishing the balance between beneficial bacteria in the bowel and nurturing the efficacy of the immune system will be the answer to the problem. Other studies are also being made hoping to make the patient less sensitive to gluten to a point that a gluten free diet may no longer be needed.

Blended Bites - Gluten Free!