Is Self-Testing Any Good For Food Intolerance?

A doctor’s say is the most reliable when it comes to diagnosing your food intolerance. But here and there, we all want to do self-testing first before booking a trip to our trusted physicians. Why certainly, just like anything else, it has it advantages and disadvantages.

Self-testing for certain food intolerances actually has a lot of pros. However, before engaging yourself in such, be sure to know beforehand all its cons, just to be on the safer side of things.

One main example of the self-testing’s advantages is the fact that you can absolutely cut back on costs. If you don’t have enough resources to undergo high-end medical testing, this is actually helpful. It’s better than not having any tests at all, so to speak.  Nevertheless, it can be inaccurate, and it all depends on the root cause of your food intolerance. But it’s actually more accurate than the conventional allergy tests.

If the symptoms that are surfacing mainly involve discomfort, and nothing really life-threatening, then it boils down to how you feel.

False positive means avoiding foods that seem to do you pretty well. Avoiding such foods restricts your diet, sad to say, pointlessly. Say, if you undergo a self-test and you come up with a false positive result, then you would have to adhere to a strict gluten-free diet which is a total pain in the neck.

A lot of people, albeit without being diagnosed with Celiac disease, are suggested to avoid wheat, say, those who have blood type of O. But it’s totally different from completely ditching it.

One of the major cons in self-testing for food intolerances is, as mentioned above, inaccuracy. To be sure, a proper test for Celiac should be done so you’ll be advised of how important it is to avoid gluten at all costs.

Conventional allergy testing can also be very handy as it provides you with a short-list of foods to avoid as you self-test for food intolerances. It’s still best to go to your doctor, but self-testing can be practical in one way or another.

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