Weight Loss Gluten Free Diet

If you can avoid gluten, then do it. What’s with gluten, you may ask. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. While some people are totally allergic to it, others are just intolerant of it. These reactions could bring about irritable bowels, headaches, mood swings, acne and even weight gain. Here are some tips in making gluten-free diet and weight loss go hand in hand.

First, avoid allergens. Gluten is known to be among the most common forms of allergen. That being said, knock off every common allergen if you can. These may include (peanuts and tree nuts, shellfish, soy, eggs and dairy as well as gluten, of course. Do this even for a short period of time and observe your body. Then, slowly reintroduce them one at a time and examine the changes in your health.

Why not cut out all the common allergens (peanuts and tree nuts, shellfish, soy, eggs and dairy as well as gluten) for a short period of time and examine the health benefits. Then slowly reintroduce these foods one by one and monitor your body for changes.

Be in a high-protein diet. Doing so will crank up your metabolism. It makes your burn more fat. Plus, it makes you feel full for longer, hence dodging the urge to snack in between meals.

While at it, be in a low-carb diet. This will stabilize the sugar in your blood. Get rid of processed sugar, white rice, and alcohol. Have fruits and stay away from starchy vegetables. Go for gluten-free pasta and bread.

Organic whole foods without preservatives must be your go-to food. Foods that are covers in pesticides must be avoided. Also, steer clear of meats that are injected with growth hormones.

As much as you can, exercise. Inject exercises into your lifestyle so it becomes second nature. You may do it one step at a time, and gradually build up the frequency, duration and intensity of your workouts. Do all of these and see the difference.

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