What To Do If You Have Problems With Wheat

Wheat intolerance is defined as a health condition where the body has major issues when it comes to wheat digestion. It is different from wheat allergy in which the body autoimmune responses cause allergy symptoms. Wheat intolerance is principally a chemical reaction and actually, it occurs more frequently compared allergies, albeit you might not have heard about that.

In Celiac disease, an alteration in an enzyme is there. Hence, it causes your body to be unable to digest gluten found in wheat. The damage that gluten incurs brings about rapid cell turnover and damage in the bowel, which are actually no good. Celiac disease awareness is progressively spreading, though.

The accurate mechanism that causes wheat intolerance is not yet determined, but such condition is linked to some antigens in the body. Some people even claim that it’s brought about by malfunction in the autoimmune system. Such health condition affects women much more compared to men, and when you have immediate family members or relatives that have it, unfortunately, you are vulnerable to being affected also considering it’s hereditary. Many Europeans and Caucasians have it, but it’s not exclusive to such people. Some medications like antihistamines can help in dealing with signs and symptoms that come with wheat allergy.

If you think you have wheat allergy or intolerance, what you can do is visit your doctor so he or she can refer you immediately to specialists who can accurately diagnose your health condition. It could get serious and pose major threat to your health. Once you are diagnosed, avoiding foods that cause the condition altogether is a must. For the most part, you stay away from them for the rest of eternity.

Total avoidance of these foods can be quite difficult, considering majority of food in our usual diet has wheat. Nonetheless, progress in health awareness has, by some means, forced food companies to be comprehensive with their labeling of food products. That said, go to your doctor if you are currently having problems with wheat as soon as you can.

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