Gluten and Obesity

Some time ago, celiac disease was, by some means connected to muscle wasting or failure to thrive in children. It usually gets in the way of the body’s capacity to absorb nutrients. Thus, it can impede growth and can be the grounds for developmental problems that have something to do with malnutrition.

Because of the impacts and effects of severe cases of celiac disease, before, it was typically diagnosed only in kids that were emaciated or those who had obvious health problems.

Recent studies have shown that some people that are diagnosed with celiac or gluten allergy are more likely to gain weight. Statistics say that roughly around 10% of the world population has problems with gluten.

Our bodies are hardwired to gain weight to save us from famine. As famine approaches, we tend to binge eat and do so compulsively. In cases that somehow mimic this scenario, say, we are taking in way less nutrition than we normally should, we then develop these compulsive eating behavior. And for those affected with celiac disease or those intolerant of it, it usually doesn’t matter what nutrients can be found in the foods since the body can’t digest and absorb it properly anyway.

If a child shows signs of compulsive eating habits, there are some effective remedies to this. Counseling and attempting to raise activity levels are ones that are known to be useful to many, although there are still some children that are considered as exception to this.

What’s making it all the more difficult is that the bad eating habits are not merely about the behavior, but it is of genetic response to gluten. That is the reason why it is essential to consider this rather than try to force behavior modification unto your children.

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