Q&A: I just got tested for Celiac Disease and it came back negative. Now what?

Question by : I just got tested for Celiac Disease and it came back negative. Now what?
The blood test the doctor took to see if I have celiac disease came back negative but I have tummy pain every time I eat gluten. I have the same problem with lactose. What should I do? Avoid lactose and gluten or not?

Best answer:

Answer by Wabby

Just because your blood test for Celiac Disease came back negative doesn’t mean you aren’t sensitive to gluten. The blood test isn’t 100% definite about Celiac Disease either. My blood test came back negative, but I was quite close to being a positive. The next step, which gives an accurate diagnosis is the biopsy. I wasn’t really keen to do that, but if you want to know for sure then that’s the only way.

It’s like you’re sensitive to gluten free. If you do eat it it’s not going to cause any damage, but you just don’t feel so great. I would suggest (under doctor supervision) removing EITHER gluten OR lactose from your diet. If you do both at the same time, you wont know which one, or both is helping. So start with one, do two weeks and see how you feel. If you don’t feel any better, then it’s probably not the cause.

Good luck, if you want to email me through my profile that’s all good. I’ve been there and saw a dietitian today about it too =]

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